More on the #ScholarStrike Discussion

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2 thoughts on “More on the #ScholarStrike Discussion

  • I feel that a lot of what we discussed was used back in the civil rights movement, like the idea of loving your neighbor and being radically kind. These beliefs helped the Civil Rights movement succeed just as much as protests and organizations.

  • I’ve been thinking about these ideas a lot recently. My high school was a big “Be Kind” school. But I never found that kindness was actually represented well in my peers. For instance, so many students had the “Be Kind” bumper sticker, but these same students were the ones being rude to others. I often wonder if instead of saying “Be Kind” we should say “stand up for what’s right” and/or “don’t be afraid to be a shit stirrer” because often times this is what creates real change. I don’t know, just food for thought!

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