What ideas that we have learned in this course can we sincerely apply to our everyday lives?

Post Categories:   REL227-Fall 2019

2 thoughts on “What ideas that we have learned in this course can we sincerely apply to our everyday lives?

  • I think that one of the most practical things that we can take away from this course is the ability to suspend judgement and to instead actually looks at what is being said. Whenever Islam comes up in the news cycle, it is usually attached to accusations of, or incidents of, terrorism. Or, there could be stories about incidents of Islamophobia. Thus, from the news it would be easy to fall into the trap of only thinking about Islam in one or two ways. By using the tools from this class, though, we can resist that urge and instead think about what the news cast is not saying.

  • My largest takeaway from this course is the concept that one’s “Muslimness” depends on how they view themselves rather than how the outside world does. This highlights how personal the relationship with God is through Islam. Not only this but this fact highlights how different Muslims can be from one another. If the prerequisite to being Muslim is me referring to myself as Muslim, then that group will be extremely large and very diverse. With this diversity in mind, we see how big the Muslim community is and it is just mindblowing how this community has endured abuse and minority status in many parts of the world, despite having a huge AND diverse population of followers.

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