Shi’ites and Sunnis

Post Categories:   REL227-Fall 2019

3 thoughts on “Shi’ites and Sunnis

  • Thanks for the video! It smoothed over my understanding very well, especially geographically. I also found it interesting the three different depictions of some of the ways Shiites mourn the death of Ali’s son.

  • There are roughly 1.6 billion muslims in the world, in which 85% of them are Sunnis. The Sunnis believe that a close friend of the prophet should lead after Muhammad while the Shi’ites believe Ali (Muhammads son-in-law) should be the rightful successor. Shi’ite took over and marginalized the Sunnis.

  • Thanks Ash! This helps a lot, and I think it applies to what we’ve learned really nicely. Thanks for the clarification B!

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