How far is too far?

Post Categories:   REL227-Fall 2019

2 thoughts on “How far is too far?

  • I believe that the government should hold certain guidelines about opinions made about religious groups. The reading discussed that it is important not to assume that your thoughts would not 100% display some type of racism. Many people understand statements in different manners, and some may be perceived in the negative connotation. To determine if a cartoon or other artistic description is being done to incite racism, the government should hand out a survey or something of that sort to give to racial groups to give their opinions on how offended they may be. This can then determine if the cartoon is deemed racist or not.

  • The intention is beside the point. If mass amounts of people suffer or are offended by something that is more notable than the intention. With this being said, it becomes easier to see how people ought to behave in a scenario like this. Regardless of intention, one must be aware of their audience at least to an extent and cater to how they will respond or feel. Their commentaries have to be obvious enough and on target, if they want to be successful.

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