Article found on Current Event- Rashida Tlaib

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2 thoughts on “Article found on Current Event- Rashida Tlaib

  • I believe this is a positive headline because it will have a great influence on younger female Muslims who are wearing the hijab or considering to wear one. This will make them feel like the hijab is a symbol of power and that they can do anything the set their minds to, regardless of how they dress. They should feel like they would not be judged by what they are wearing. It is important to realize that cultural clothing is not something that reflects the persons’ personality with regard to work ethic, etc. Yes, the hijab represents who one is, but does not deflect their traits fully.

    • Agreed. I understand the logic that “we’re all equal, do not favor anyone”. However, highlighting change helps us to move forward into a more progressive and understanding world.

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